We are in the research and development phase.
Over the last two years, we have been creating case studies and prototype projects about self-reflection, personal narrative building, and the critical thinking and expression of emotions and needs. Our research database of 520+ artifacts, which we endearingly call our Think Tank, serves as an annotated bibliography of the following topics:
- Emotional awareness and literacy
- Wellbeing and resilience psychology
- Metacognition and critical thinking
- Trauma-focused education
- Community identity building
- Consensual governance
- Interpersonal healing and socialization
- Transformative justice
We're also developing methods for role model discovery, iterating on conflict resolution toolkits, and mentoring each other as we explore our strengths and values, in career and life. If you are interested seeing our prototypes, please contact us for a 1:1 walkthrough.
Conceived in late 2018 and officially taking form as a collective in January 2020, Plot Twisters has grown into a close-knit online community. Today, our team is spread over three continents and six timezones. Read more about our team here.
See our public research database!